Overall, good work, but it looks like your ModelA did not get pushed up. I can tell by the work in your ModelB file that you are grasping the concepts, however.
- [ ] Please get your …
When I run the simulation_model.py
some error appear
data_folder = "/Users/bozai/Desktop/PixelDA/PixelDA/Data/tfdata"
What data should this folder contain?
Where should I get?
when i rosrun opencv tf_listener.py object_frame:="/object_frame should be modified",the terminate which roslaunch ur5_single_arm_moveit_config test_ur5_gazebo.launch shows
[Wrn] [Publisher.cc:185] Q…
Design of the standalone conveyer belt portion of the _Ham Conveyor_
Preliminary components list:
- Belt
- Axles
- Motor
- Legs
Things to consider:
- How grasping ham will attach to belt
- How senso…
Is the pre trained model you provided already trained data? I have a significant loss in the validation set testing after loading.
The iOS file sharing should be supported for adding .SMZIP files for the users
that have a hard time grasping the web interface
If [edge_start](https://github.com/Victorlouisdg/linen/blob/main/linen/linen/grasping/edge_grasps.py#L65) is a numpy array of a datatype with no floating point precision (uint, int etc), subtracting a…
Numpy returns this error:
Error processing request: Weights sum to zero, can't be normalized
['Traceback (most recent call last):
', ' File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ros…
/robot-grasp-detection-master$ python grasp_det.py
keep_prob = 1.0
2018-01-29 14:48:20.935569: W tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The Tens…
It seems some people are having trouble grasping how serialization between JSON and ROS work.
It is currently too much "magic"
It would help to expose tools to th use that directly do the conver…