I am not sure what is wrong..
Below are the logs:
Start deconvolution...
Warning: File: deconv_par.m Line: 40 Column: 13
The temporary variable 'im_folder_name' will be cleared at the beginnin…
When compiling the current ImageJ 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT, and then opening the Help->"About ImageJ" will show version 1.53c.
This had me confused, I'm sure many other users will also be confused by this.
Consider this Groovy script (run after opening e.g. the *Blobs* sample image):
#@ ObjectService os
#@ ConvertService cs
import ij.ImagePlus
import net.imagej.Dataset
import net.ima…
I am using ImageJ version 1.53f and Java 1.8.0_112 (64-bit) with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. When I copy the HDF5_Viewer-0.13.0.jar file into ImageJ/plugins folder, restart ImageJ, and try to load an HDF file, …
I just downloaded the newest Fiji version from the site. I have up-to-date Java 8 running on a 64bit Windows 10. When I double click on the exe, only the Fiji splash icon appears and then nothing happ…
I'm trying to use fiji docker image and I have an error when I run the fiji-linux64 command:
[ERROR] Skipping unsupported option -port7
This issue has been fixed two years ago (https://github.c…
There was a [report](https://forum.image.sc/t/updated-imagej-launcher-java-bundles/44841/3) that updating to the latest (6.0.1) launcher on Windows 10 resulted in a new request for firewall access fro…
with @rimadoma and @alessandrofelder
- [ ] display axes for moments of inertia (https://github.com/imagej/imagej-ops/blob/78ff2373ccc3db101104d279940d15ee3a94318e/src/main/java/net/imagej/ops/geom/…
With the latest version of imageJ (1.53g), The imageJ Macro Recorder function doesn't record EZcolocalization command lines anymore. Reverting to 1.52 fixed my issue
with an open tif-image (drag and drop)
ij-version: 1.52i
The following groovy script
#@UIService ui
#@ImgPlus img
... works when in the configuration d…