[fhir extension](https://github.com/biocompute-objects/BCO_Specification/blob/master/extension-fhir.md) only shown by example, the keys are not explained. The `camel_Casing` is a bit inconsistent.
stain updated
6 years ago
Several fields are documented with `null` in their examples.
* [derived_from](https://github.com/biocompute-objects/BCO_Specification/blob/master/provenance-domain.md#215-inheritancederivation-der…
stain updated
6 years ago
The [version](https://github.com/biocompute-objects/BCO_Specification/blob/master/provenance-domain.md#213-version-version) field defines briefly what constitutes a change of a BCO.
We should recom…
stain updated
6 years ago
The [keywords](https://github.com/biocompute-objects/BCO_Specification/blob/master/description-domain.md#241-keywords-keywords) is for some reason nested as a map to lists.
stain updated
6 years ago
[platform](https://github.com/biocompute-objects/BCO_Specification/blob/master/execution-domain.md#254-platformenvironment-platform) is defined as:
> The multi-value reference to a particular deplo…
stain updated
6 years ago
There are some inconsistencies in JSON key names. Generally BCO use `lower_case_with_underscore` which is common in JSON.
Some inconsistencies that unnecessarily deviate from this style should be f…
stain updated
6 years ago
When opening issue #21 @stain said:
> Given that these are URLs I think the extension should support any source control repository, not just github.com, perhaps something like:
> ```json
> "e…
What should be the license of this `BCO_Specification` repository? Presumably we want this to be Open Access as it's on GitHub and our IEEE Open Source Pilot part will reference this repo?
stain updated
6 years ago
I get the following error trying to run your shiny app:
> shiny::runGitHub("shiny-phyloseq","joey711")
Downloading https://github.com/joey711/shiny-phyloseq/archive/master.tar.gz
The following …