So with the planet sizes/system sizes being reduced, what is the plan for generation both "natural" and "constructed"
Currently the natural generation of the galaxy is the same for everyone. Same p…
"entity.bosses_of_mass_destruction.comet": "彗星",
"entity.bosses_of_mass_destruction.lich": "夜巫妖",
"entity.bosses_of_mass_destruction.blue_fireball": "蓝色火球",
I noticed someone else provided a translation for Simplified Chinese (zh_cn) 简体中文(中国大陆)
I want to refer to his content and translate it into traditional Chinese (zh_tw) 繁體中文(台灣)
- Plugin Name:
- Plugin Version: 6.17
- OS Name: Mac OS X
- OS Version: 10.15.7
- Java Version: 11.0.10
- App Name: WebStorm
- App Full Name: WebStorm
- Is Snapshot: false
- App Build: WS-211.6693.10…
Caddy file:
urbit@tornes-bidfet:~$ cat /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
logs while starting ship:
urbit@tornes-bidfet:~$ ship-…
I was browsing reddit and saw this post:
If anyone is interested, it would be great to add such evaluation as an ex…
## 구글 검색 노출
안녕하세요 만들어주신 블로그 정말 잘 사용하고 있습니다. 너무 이쁘네요! 구글에서 검색하였을때 검색 결과가 노출이 안되는것 같은데 혹시 다른 설정을 해주어야하나요? 제가 깃블로그에 대한 이해가 부족해서요ㅠ
Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution!
Submission template:
**ID:** (optional, use only to determine which addon in mobi to update)
**ID Requirement:** (o…
On my first play-through I seem to have hit a dead end.
From the clues I managed to derive a list of names of people I'd like to talk to, as I figure was the intention. But unfortunately it seems the…
# Comet land guide - hyesungoh
how to start