In PW/PK it was an annoyance for infantry to move itself, a simple suggestion is to implement carts that can carry a certain amount of soldiers. This might have some effects on the supply and demand …
The backpack and Inventory system would allow people to have encumbrance and the ability to carry more based off of how much weight they can carry (This can be class specific), rather than just the f…
Blacksmiths recieve a rank when trained as the class (Novice). Items crafted grant a small amount of experience. The more experienced the blacksmith, the faster a blacksmith is able to craft things. …
Situation example: a song can be played too much in a room.
A new voting option to the right of downvote and upvote—skipvote—with a right pointing arrow and count.
Don't want to downvote because the s…
Need to determine a way for voting. The idea is to have a upvote/downvote system but using emojis. If too difficult or vague, a simple upvote/downvote system will work fine.
Make upvote/downvote arrow icon size configurable. Quite a few people on HN pointed out that the default size of the arrows is too small, and I agree with it myself. If the feature request is approved…
A page where students can anonymously share good stuff or pain points that they experience at Stamford.
Others can read, upvote, downvote, and comments.
Users can downvote issues that they didn't vote on, this gains them another vote and are able to vote on another item.
**User Story**
As a user, I want to rate blog posts with upvotes or downvotes so that I can express my agreement or disagreement with the content.
**Acceptance Criteria**
- Create a RESTful route…
**Feature Request:** Pin flyout menu in place
**Extra Information** When using the hamburger menus on pages like the text converter/homebrew builder etc it would be nice to be able to pin the menu in…