ne ucitava stranice sa vicevima vec samp sumarno
Attaching a light probe to the geometry will throw this exception.
SEVERE [com.jme3.gde.core.scene.SceneApplication]: Scene graph is not properly updated for rendering.
State was changed after roo…
Прив пацаны. 😁 😂 😃 😄 😅 😆
Otherwise, calls to
curl -v -u ${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_TOKEN} https://api.github.com/repos/alichnewsky/lrte/releases
do not return any release with your annotated tag, and you cannot uploa…
Oi Mario, instalei o módulo mas na página de configuração aparece este erro:
`Error: Class 'MarioSAM\EstimateCep\Model\Config\Source\Countries' not found in [Magento]/vendor/magento/framework/Objec…
### Članovi:
- Ilija Stanojević SV71/2020, (Grupa 4)
- Anastasija Drašković SV67/2020. (Grupa 4)
### Asistent:
- Marko Njegomir
### Problem koji se rešava:
- Milioni ljudi boluju od dijabeti…
Članovi tima: Nikola Sovilj, SW75/2019, grupa 5
Asistent: Milica Škipina
Problem koji se rešava: Implementacija bota koji u ovoj igri pronalazi niz najpovoljnijih poteza u skladu sa datom situac…
I want to xport the sum of two values present in two differents rrds on a year.
Here the command :
``` sh
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool xport -s 1332064896 -e 1363600896 -m 400 \
Kao lekar,
želim da imam mogućnost preusmeravanja mojih pacijenata kod drugih lekara, koji se mogu nalaziti u bilo kojoj bolnici u okviru našeg lanca. Time bih mogao da obezbedim pacijentu lečenje ko…
It is important to put in the bug report as much information about the
(failing) environment as possible. Reading over active bugs does not show a
consistent report (although there is a list of …