**NOTE: v4.0.0 is under development on `develop_v4` branch.**
**Current: 4.0.0-alpha1**
### New architecture: more, more easier to use
* Simpler workflow and out of the box features
* Support ad…
### [REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields:
* Unity editor version: 2021.3.29f1
* Firebase Unity SDK version: 11.4.0
* Source you installed the SDK: Unity Package Manager
* P…
* Can this plugin be made into a UPM Package?
Makes it easy to update the package via Unity Package Manager, as in the current plugin I had the version 1.2.171, the settings > Update button did…
Node using Hand pose asset file or shape asset file and recognize hand gestures.
Implement on another repository.
Support for [UI Toolkit](https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.2/Documentation/Manual/UIElements.html) (previously UIElements), most likely by providing a custom `VisualElement` subclass rendering Spine skele…
Hello. Thanks for the nice console. Can you pls implement your repo work with UPM (Unity Package manager) and asmdef files?
**Unity version:** 2019.4.3f1
**Branch:** Unity2019.4
**Problem description:**
When trying to create a new custom rule tile, I get an error:
> FileNotFoundException: The template file "Package…
Hot Module Reload doesn't work when the C#MS is referenced through Unity Package Manager.
When you reference a package via UPM, the files end up in `/Library/PackageCache` unless the UPM reference…
### [REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields:
* Unity editor version: 2019.2.21f1
* Firebase Unity SDK version: 6.16.1
* Source you installed the SDK: Unity Package Manager
* P…
With the unity package manager it is possible to disable large parts of the dependencies on unity modules. However, UniRx currently requires a lot of modification when removing unity packages. In part…