For proposed protocol specification see: https://github.com/FAForever/server/issues/607 and https://github.com/FAForever/server/pull/608. The latter PR contains a feature complete implementation that …
|GameID|GameState File|
I'd like to calculate the winning probabilities of a 1 vs all game . Is there a function to derive The probabilities which sums to 1?
and gun
At present the data this scraper collects is only available in CSV format.
A web interface to this data would allow easy access to this data to any interested parties.
The minimal feature set w…
```Chobby.exe Information: 0 : Checking for self-upgrade
Chobby.exe Information: 0 : PackageRefresh complete - packages changed
Chobby.exe Information: 0 : Querying default engine
Chobby.exe Inform…
Here is the game log:
2:06 AM, T7.M1: Bmorr announces a value of 3 for (source: [Open the Way](https://github.com/magefree/mage/issues/new#Open%20the%20Way) [463])
2:06 AM, T7.M1: Bmorr casts…
Requested by Corbeau for the SIM ruleset.
- Probably an opportunity to refactor the combat code
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Prepare a network game via a LAN network
2. Prepare two or more computers to join a host
3. Let those computers join the host
4. Let one of the computers …