Hi guys
I now want to see the detection performance of yolov4 and yolov4-tiny using
opencv dnn, but I was shocked that the results were so different from the results of the issues I had seen.
I am attempting to install libfreenect2 on jetson-tx1 with tegra 23.2.I install the package follow the instruction and succeed.But when I run the example(Protonect),I meet two problems.
I tried your code with the orin agx,
but it seems that if I set the spi max speed to 500kHz, the communication works well but If I increase it higher than that, the communication becomes weird, is…
I am currently running ORB_SLAM2 with a ZED stereo camera on an NVIDIA TX1 embedded computer and I have a number of questions regarding setting up the system.
- In general, what settings can be altere…
Hardware: Jetson Nano
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 w/ ROS Melodic and Jetpack
I cannot view the 3d map generated. The 3d map tab is completely empty. I've tried to install from source but the problem is stil…
## Env
- GPU, Jetson TX1
- OS, Ubuntu18.04
- Cuda 10.2
- TensorRT 8.3.2
- Model: yolov5
## Your problem
Hi, when I trying to use yolov5-small model with tensorrt in jetson in image …
2.1 使用数据集自己训练合成器模型(与2.2二选一)
·下载 数据集并解压:确保您可以访问 train 文件夹中的所有音频文件(如.wav)
·进行音频和梅尔频谱图预处理: python pre.py 可以传入参数 --dataset {dataset} 支持 aidatatang_200zh, magicdata, aishell3
假如你下载的 aidatatang_20…
Bug description & Reproducing steps
$ node --help
Illegal instruction
Update channel(s)
Package and version
# 在Docker 中运行 OpenWrt 旁路网关 | 美丽应用
文章更新 20191006 初次成文 20191117 修复文章内因 Markdown 渲染导致的命令错误问题 写在前面 今天小苏为大家带来的是(咕很久的)在 Docker 中运行 OpenWrt 做旁路网关的教程~ 场景1 众所周知,OpenWrt 是面向嵌入型设备的 Linux 发行版,所以 OpenWrt 系统运行时的资…
I have a file that I was able to run on my Mac that has M1 chip. I am current trying to run the code on a Jetson tx1.
I have installed CVXPY to run on ARM computer:
`pip install cvxopt`