Hello, thank you for this application! Actually we do have a problem when the robot should drive foreward. Sometimes it drives and stops within 1 or 2 seconds later . Is there anyone else who has the …
The 3D positioning of object using Kinect seems to rely on openni, which does not support Kinect One. Is there a workaround for this issue?
By the way, I'm running Kinect One on a Windows PC and use…
Hi All,
I am planning to use the qibullet environment to render a NAO robot in a maze-like environment and perform Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI for path planning and navigation.There is a gi…
I am using Linux Mint 20 with Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-52-generic and Python 2.7.18
When executing any test program with an IDE (pycharm), python2.7 says
`The robot meshes and URDFs will be installed …
I'm new to Android development and I'm working with a Pepper robot. How do I actually get the code from your github onto Pepper as an installed app?
Do we have to use Softbank's Command Center?
reproduced in:
- versions 2.0 and higher
- operating systems: windows and ubuntu virtual machine within github actions
Hi! We have been using snowfakery starting with version 1.12. We have be…
Hi all,
I am trying to compile Libqi on the Pepper (I have a gentoo environment), and I am getting the following error when trying to compile.
Any thoughts on what is going on?
I should say,…
I'm running a mapping algorithm on rviz but i have problem with pepper transformation.
Currently running on ubuntu 16.04 with ros kinetic.
I have a problem, when visualizing in rviz, I…