Keywords: trump, biden, democrats, republicans, election.
Code: find_political_tweets.ipynb
Due: Aug 31
Who: @huygengar
Trying to figure out:
Say I write a new-article, and in this article I cite a twitter post of president Trump.
I am quoting Trump through a socialMediaPosting with hastags and links to other twitter…
Would be good ot have a sense of how things are going on the sign-ups front
Having seen [how easy it is to access Props in React](https://jsfiddle.net/reactjs/69z2wepo/), I can't help to request the same awesome feature in Angular:
``` html
I would dream to avoid the c…
Chase County's early vote for Trump and Stein looks like it was mistranscribed, it should be 241 instead of 247 and 1 instead of 7.
Dundy County - Benkelman III was mistranscribed, it should have a…
Now working, now you ruined my Trump face art
the content is:
[drop-cap]It’s[/drop-cap] a strange time, isn’t it, when [popo…
Hi everyone, there is a small issue with parsing JSON Feeds without items.
The feed with the issue:
Computer players have been observed converting cards to trump when they don't want to win any more tricks.
Double check the reward function to see if there are logic bugs. Run experiments with diff…
Simple form
- Run arbitrage agent between pools of the same outcome token
More general form
- Also arbitrage between outcomes of the same question (to be better understood)