Application List:
- [x] - Namex API
- [ ] - Solr synonyms API
- [ ] - Solr Feeder
- [x] - Namex Pay
- [x] - Solr Names Updater
- [ ] - Auto Analyze
- [x] - NRO Extractor
- [ ] - NRO Update
Could somebody please help me transfer at least one repo to bcgov? Sending it over is easy enough, but I expect to lose admin access with the move. If this could be booked with somebody it would be …
**Describe the task**
Currently alert levels are being defined in the html associated with the basin / alert level component. These values should originate in the database
**Acceptance Criteria**
- …
Modify the material css, add a bcgov header etc so that app complies with BCGOV look and feel guidelines.
Figma: https://www.figma.com/design/wVF8EcUCUR20YyqA0wHVJp/Continuation-In-V5?node-id=2154-3491&t=Z3R4v4o9NHwJk6nC-0
As with the Filings UI ticket #21977, we need to determine what a continuation in …
When an event is patched, capture the changes in the history table.
**Acceptance Criteria**
- [ ] ability to track the state of a specific alert
**Describe the bug in current situation**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**Link bug to the User Story**
**Impact of this bug**
Describe the impact, i.e. what the impact is, and …
**Describe the task**
Issue: #40 will have created the new end point, this ticket will connect the frontend edit page to that end point
**Acceptance Criteria**
- [ ] when the submit button is pre…
**Describe the task**
create a put end point that can be used to update existing events.
**Acceptance Criteria**
- [ ] PUT end point allows us to modify an existing event
- [ ] Before changes ar…
Related to OPS:
The "Approval Date" in the RESULTS OF NAME REQUEST is the date you retrieve…