The initial manuscript assigned each raster to the central time-stamp, even though each raster represents a time-span. The GRASS Temporal Framework [1,2,3] supports time-spans. The algorithm should be…
**The project Index is[ here](https://github.com/cityofaustin/atd-data-tech/issues/815), in data-tech.**
ROW is asking for all GIS utility data (public/private) to be collected and maintained for …
New issue to capture our acquisition of necessary GIS rasters and shape files to run the Landlab Landslide component
Initially storing the in a hydrosphere resource: https://www.hydroshare.org/resour…
need to track down and organize the GPS and GIS files used for dissertation
If more than one station is located at exactly the same coordinates (e.g. GR.FUR and BW.FURT), all but one station is hidden in the background and can not be reached by mouse-over or clicking.. this i…
gis uses views to relate address and building information to rental data. We usually have an all rental and active rental view
User may want to overlay or join additional datasets.
Feature ideas: download or access COGs, vector files directly / expose and document WMTS for embedding / push redistributable data into other s…
For such tutorials, I highly recommend #geocomputation with R (https://geocompr.robinlovelace.net) by @jakub_nowosad
and @robinlovelace
In case it is useful to someone, I have written an intro to python and GIS for my students
You ca…
### Expected behaviour
Measurement values can be access as property e.g., by `measurement.dtype`.
The symptom is that somehow (and somewhere) `Measurement` is casted back to parent class `dict` inst…