This is on the priority list. Not sure what the issue is, please add your thoughts!
### Descrição da tarefa
Gerar o XML do PubMed Central (PMC) / similar a JATS.
**Garantir que o article tenha o idioma em inglês.**
Isso implica que se o conteúdo de sub-article é inglês, ele deve …
@jonathansick @lnielsen locally, we've discussed WARC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_ARChive for arceli but seems unsuitable for the project (large file sizes, possible issues with rendering). In s…
Version of norma (installed from https://jenkins.ch.cam.ac.uk/view/AMI2/job/norma/ , yesterday at 6pm)
Using this in the Neuro workshop VM.
Ran getpapers to get 25 peerj papers in valid ctree structur…
I can't run the validator from NH. Thjis might be a problem for other users
"Formatting XML…
NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource."
As described in https://github.com/relaton/relaton-data-bipm/issues/17 .
This task supersedes #2 which implemented support to retrieve Metrologia bibliographic data from IOP but was unsatisfactory …
For some reason the sources in the references are not rendering.
## Problem / Motivation
WHO: Production/Bot/Production Vendor/Website
WHEN: Between Export from EJP/xPub and delivery to production vendor/new specification for XML delivered to website
WHERE: In e…
The [convertion process (lens_converter.js)](https://github.com/elifesciences/lens/blob/master/converter/lens_converter.js) is time consuming... There are a cache strategy for it?
... I have all …
Getting invalid JATS, with plaintext that should be wrapped in a caption element, as the value of graphic, as below:
`Fig. 3. The structure of a multidimensional control system for ceramsite burni…