**User Story:**
As a contributor
I want to see the value of the amount in USD when pegged to USD
So that i get an accurate representation of the payout for any given bounty
**Acceptance Criteria…
In my laravel project I did:
composer require jcubic/expression
And I got the error:
Class jcubic\Parser located in ./vendor/jcubic/expression/src/jcubic/Parser.peg.php does no…
My guess is because it is only meant for Linux, right?
`node-gyp configure && mkdir -p deps && cd deps && curl 'https://codeload.github.com/fletcher/peg-multimarkdown/tar.gz/3.7' | tar zxvf - && mv p…
Unsure how this bug is triggering; but posting here for visibility:
2019/01/14 00:50:08 main.go:122: read 18700000 entries
2019/01/14 00:50:08 main.go:122: read 18800000 entries
A couple times on a model using automatic support generation and cut pegs, I have forgotten to block supports in the peg wholes. Ideally peg holes should be auto blocked (and therefore blocks erasable…
Board (selected)
Peg (hover)
Peg (selected)
Add row button
Add row (hover)
Add row (press)
Del row
Del row (hover)
Del row (press)
Del board button
Del board (h…
So that we don't necessarily have to read the entire, potentially very large makefile, into memory all at once.
Also, using Read interfaces makes the code agnostic of whether the string comes from …
# Lines of code
# Vulnerability details
## Impact
Insurance is to…
Hi! I am so happy with cpp-peglib that I thought more people should hear about it. https://berthub.eu/articles/posts/practical-peg-parsing/ has the post, and I hope I got it all right. It is highly li…
## 1) Long Revert Strings are Waste of Gas
## Impact
Shortening revert strings to fit in 32 bytes will decrease deployment time gas and will decrease runtime gas when the revert condition has been m…