I wouldn't mind working on joins for the query interface :) Do you have any thoughts on how you would have liked the feature to be designed? It's technically non-obvious because as soon as the query c…
Thinking to print for a moment...
Pros of supporting a noncommercial license:
- gives licensors choice
- addresses the source of a lot frustration---relations with for-profit forms---directly
- …
We're very excited to finally publish the first alpha pre-release of spaCy v2.0. It's still an early release and (obviously) not intended for production use. You might come across a `NotImplementedErr…
@tanmayb123 has created an API for us to query. StackOverflow posts only, for the time being.
[The API](https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/39459122#39459122) is basically
Hi Pumpikano,
With your help i was able to run the code on MNIST dataset. i am trying to train the model on another dataset. i have tried to modified the code accordingly, i will be very thankful if …
I followed instructions for building under Mac, installing the libjpeg from homebrew, and it seems to be properly linked against that (see otool -L output below).
I also tried temporarily removing …
People using Dask on traditional job schedulers often depend on PBS scripts. It would be useful to include a plain example in the documentation that users to download, modify, and run.
### Wha…
- [x] HOME : Insérer l'illustration de Renaud en fond
- [x] HOME : Passer le texte du titre au premier plan pour ne pas être caché par le 1,666milliard
- [x] HOME: Mettre en **gras** les titres des …
## Current version of SC and Definitions
- [Current version for viewing](https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/resize-content_ISSUE-77/guidelines/sc/21/resize-content.html) | [Current version for editing](ht…
I installed octomap using sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octomap
then tried to install octovis using:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octovis
it shows E: unable to locate package
What could b…