Snackbar with no text is displayed when the user loses Internet connectivity in the Add Savings Account Fragment. The user should instead get a suitable message stating the loss of In…
Empty toast message is displayed when user clicks on "Submit" button in the Create New Group Fragment. A suitable response would be to have a toast message stating that there is no In…
Empty Snackbar is displyed on tapping "Submit" button in the Disburse Loan Dialog fragment while there is no Internet connection. A suitable response would be to have a Snackbar displ…
Empty toast message is displayed when the user taps the 'Save ' button while there is no Internet connection in the savings account approval fragment. A suitable toast message stating…
Loan gets approved in spite of "Approved Amount" and "Transaction Amount" field being blank. An appropriate response like a toast message stating that the field cannot be blank would …
User cannot select the currency in the Apply for Loan fragment. The user should be able to select a currency for a Loan Product.
**Steps to reproduce:**
Step 1) Open the self ser…
Savings Account Transaction Fragment accepts zero (0) in the "Amount" field. The field displays a error message when the field is blank but doesn't show any error message when user en…
Currency changes while selecting a Loan Product. The currency should be what the user selects it to be and not change with the Loan Product selected.
**Steps to reproduce:**
Hello, great library, i just moved from gmaps because i was missing some things there, however, i ran into an issue, my custom icons are drifting when im moving the map around, also they are very smal…
I have multiple smileyrating bars and edittexts in my view. after selecting smileys on ratingbars when i try to enter text in edittext, all ratingbars reset to default smiley.
![videotogif_2017 03…