I've been really inspired lately by the interactive artwork I've witnessed (and created) in recent months.
It feels like a natural progression for me, and something I would be very interested in help…
Element name(s): SamplePositioningGroup
Justification for the addition (brief and compelling):
This proposed change arose from a discussion with Roland Nitschke
It was brought to our attention th…
While I really like that I can add device sensors to circuits for input, I wonder whether it wouldn't make sense to use the device also for some output, like, a piezo buzzer sounding the speaker, poss…
If the mission control team could add a couple of bits to the schematic that would be great. We'll definitely need these but I forgot to mention them when we originally wrote down all the parts of the…
Would it be possible to add a substitution to set allow_other_uses to false for the alarm pin?
Currently there is only the substitution for the warning beep pin. My alarm pin is only used for the a…
It might be a nice addition to be able to open the unit test display for a given cryomodule by clicking on the cryomodule number. This would make having a local instance open on an OPI even more usefu…
Not an issue as such but is there any chance you can make the LED on the pico light up when power is supplied to the PICO?
Bonjour Lionel,
C'est du bon travail, et un bel effort de partager ce projet sur le net. J'aide un ami à le monter. La modification des valeurs dans la calibration manuelle ne fonctionne pas parfaitem…
## Personal Details
**Name:** Nikil Shyamsunder
**Undergrad or MEng?** Undergrad
**Year in Cornell:** Sophomore
**Relevant classes:**
CS 2110, CS 2800, Math 2210 (Linear Algebra),…