I couldn't find any information about the blazepose model used with the python package of MediaPipe.
Is the package using the Fast or the Accurate model (I suppose the accurate), and do you know if …
Hello. It seems that this repository is what I have been looking for.
I wish to convert a blazepose model into pb file such that I can do the transfer learning from it.
However, I am not sure wh…
When I go to this link provided by the official TFJS models repo for pose-detection: https://storage.googleapis.com/tfjs-models/demos/pose-detection/index.html?model=blazepose it throws this error on …
Different to the BlazePose paper, it outputs (ld_3d) with the shape of [1,195], in my opinion and previous issue, it should be flatten refer to x, y, z, visibility, presence, so the landmark result wi…
現在はblazeposeのupper poseのみ対応している。
weightは、mediapipe -> pytorchという手順。
下記は、fullbodyをmediapipe -> tensorflow -> tfliteと変換し…
Hello, I receive the error "depthai.Pipeline object has no attribute "create". Any ideas where the problem is? Thank you for your answer!
Pose detection blob file : C:\Users\Admin\depthai_blazepo…
#### 1. OS you are using e.g. Ubuntu 20.04, WIndows10, etc
Fedora 28
#### 2. OS Architecture e.g. x86_64, armv7l, aarch64, etc
#### 3. Version of OpenVINO e.g. 2021.2.185, etc
#### 4. Vers…
aylek updated
3 years ago
I have used the BlazePose full body model on iOS and it seems like the FPS is down to 12.
Is there anything we can do to improve the performance?