If I load Advanced>5e>Wizards of the Coast>Dungeons & Dragons 5e - Core Books, there are some errors about duplicate file names in different locations (log file below). I think this happens on other r…
I'd like to use the D&D 5th Edition (Basic Rules), but it says it's dependency is: "less than 2 of ( BOOKTYPE=Core Rules, less than 1 of 5e - Basic must be already selected )". Can you tell me how to…
Sorry to bother you again but The Domains for the Clerics from Xanathar's don't give the Proficiency's they offer and their Spells aren't separated in to Domain spells specifically and i had a hard ti…
Running gradlew from command line causes errors for me because it cannot find javafx.scene.image.ImageView.
I resolved the issue for myself by adding this line to the dependencies section of build.…
Amanuensis is in Magic of Faerun. From what I can see, this looks all correct. There is the same spell in the Spell Compendium book, but the data set spells it as "Amanuesis" (missing an "n" before "s…
I'm trying to install all the data, and I think I'm following the instructions right. I copied everything in the data folder to C:\Users\[MYUSERNAME]\AppData\Local\PCGen\PCGen60601\vendordata. Copied …
> ### Flight
> Type: RacialTrait. BuilderMovementTrait. Advanced Cost: 0 Description: Fly speed 30' (clumsy); each extra 2 RP spent gives +10 speed and one step maneuverability improvement. [Cost…
**Version**: v6.07.06
**Datasets loaded:** (tried two different sets)
**Primary Dataset:** ( Council of Theives Player's Guide, Kingmaker Player's Guide, Guide to the River Kingdoms, Inner Sea Best…
19:04:33.538 INFO main Main:140 Starting PCGen v6.07.08
19:04:33.922 INFO main LanguageBundle:134 Initialising language bundle with locale en_US.
19:05:24.42 LSTERROR main SourcedateLst:83 Err…