**Is your feature request related to a problem in the current program to new available techology or software? Please describe and add links/citations if appropriate.**
Would it be possible to view th…
I've run bowtie, bam2hits and MMSeq to quantify allele specific expression, and observed some discrepancy between the alignment counts and the final log_mu.
One problematic transcript is ENS…
Since I've been going through these in such detail I've noticed a few cases where the output doesn't look like what I would expect but I want to clear them with you @jakelever before I make the approp…
Dear Giovanni,
Thank you for your nice software. I am using scAllele for the detection and analysis of variants using scRNA-seq. I wonder how you get the information about 0/1 or 1/1 in Figure 2E of …
Getting an error when running numbat on mouse data. The same script works with different mouse samples, but not with new set of samples. Have used reference generated from the sample itself, with no s…
We would like to add three evidence codes used at RGD for disease annotation to the evidence ontology as synonyms of existing codes:
ECO:0000314 ‘direct assay evidence used in manual assertion’
I'm triggering `RuntimeError('There exist transcripts missing length information.')`
We are following the example: https://emase.readthedocs.org/en/latest/examples.html#estimating-allele-specific-exp…
travc updated
9 years ago
I have a simple question. After running geneiase in static mode on my dataset, I see lots of genes reporting p.nom == 0 and fdr == 0. I also see these zero p.nom and fdr values in the output…
Hi @Griffan,
Just wondering whether there was precedent to use VB2 on RNA samples, or you can perceive any potential roadblocks?
Can we change the text in the genotype (alternative) "Name" field from
"short name" to "alternative name"
short name is very restrictive,