usage: train_apc.py [-h] [--model_name MODEL_NAME] [--dataset DATASET]
[--optimizer OPTIMIZER] [--initializer INITIALIZER]
[--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--…
Hello, could you please explain how your multi-teacher model method conducts experiments with PODNet and AFC? It seems that this is not clearly indicated in your code.
Here, I will be putting up some very important links to guide us through the learning practice.
The very fist link here is:
1) https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-dual-boot-windows-10-and-ubuntu…
"Hello, I was unable to find the efficient LPT algorithm mentioned in the article 'Reinforcement learning with prior policy guidance for motion planning of dual-arm free-floating space robot' in the r…
Hello, I have read your paper named DualCheXNet: dual asymmetric feature learning for thoracic disease classification in chest X-rays, and could you public you code and thank you very much.
你好 关于Dual Attention Multi-Instance Deep Learning for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis With Structural MRI,,源码里有一个'SelectPatches/''template_center_fold{}_size{}_num{}.mat'的文件类型,请问有没有这个文件生成的代码?麻烦发一下,感谢作者。请…
1. What versions are you using?
Oracle 19c database
oracledb 2.4.1
import oracledb as cx
dsn_tns='(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcps)(HOST = cluster-scan)(POR…
Hi. Thanks again for the wonderful work.
One thing that is extremely vague in your paper is what exactly the "Model" in Figure 1? Is is a multiple instance method? (averaging) and if yes do you have …
I'd like to implement IL2M in avalanche, along with the metric that was proposed to show bias toward new classes.
reference paper: https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ICCV_2019/papers/Beloua…
I am confused about the dual implementation in the QREPS agent.
The code I am talking about is in qreps_algorithm in the QREPS class.
To be specific:
``` python
# Calculate weights.