Best use of our shared server (now used for provincial fish passage modelling) and our time to build reports (currently over 1 minute for intro and backgrounds section alone - these reports are usuall…
with pg_featureserv
e.g. a filter of list(gnis_name = "Sangan River") is acceptable
but how to get all stream_order > 1
or how to get multiple values from the same column (property)?
Watershed codes / watershed groups / assessment watersheds are not quite consistent enough to use for pre-aggregated upstream summaries.
For example, looking for area upstream of this fundamental w…
> fwatlasbc:::fwa_blue_line_key_to_watershed(356528119)
Error: API request failed [404]: Unable to read data from: fwa_watershedatmeasure
1. └─fwatlasbc:::fwa_blue_line_k…
FW diversity (spatially): The union of all freshwater systems habitat data (e.g. vernal pools, wet meadows, riparian woodland and scrub) will get the freshwater biodiversity value of the HUC 12 it int…
Remove scripts from bcfishpass and add to fwa as per https://github.com/smnorris/bcfishpass/issues/344
Nou ka baze popilarite kou yo sou son nonb total fwa mounn pran kou yo ak Kou gi plis repete (pa dat). Kreye yon fonksyon sou modèl yo ki ranvoye kou ki plis popilè yo. Map afiche kou ki plis popilè y…
# 포트폴리오 하나로 구글 입사 제의를 받은 - 일은 배신하지 않는다(1) | 아웃풋 트레이닝
Google I/O 2014 발표, FWA 수상 등 세계 무대에서 활약중인 구글 UX Engineer 김종민님은 고졸이었던 PC방 알바가 포트폴리오 하나로 구글의 입사 제안을 받기까지의 과정을 책으로 다시 펴냈다. 직업을 바라보는 시각, 내가 하고 싶은 일과 해…
Currently 406 records with >= 5 salmon observations upstream, but only 37 of these are tagged as barriers - it would be better if this was available directly in the view.
Less important but also po…
I've installed ndctl in docker, but it got make error not matter how many times I've re-build
load-keys.c: In function 'cmd_load_keys':
load-keys.c:253:27: error: 'NDCTL_KEYS_DIR' undeclar…