**Update geodesic routines**
Many moons ago (2012-12-21, to be precise), Paul Wessel had expressed
some interest in improving the calculation of geodesics in GMT 6.
Perhaps, it's time to revisit …
**Describe the bug**
In the example [Draw and Modify Geodesic](https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/draw-and-modify-geodesic.html), when the multiWorld: true option is enabled, there is a rend…
### 🐞 **What bugs you?**
(Continued from #610)
#612 added an `aspect` ratio option to `*GeodesicPlotter`s that helps avoid skewed plots. However, at the moment, we are using `plotly`'s nomenclatur…
作者您好,非常感谢您的优秀工作。最近我在尝试使用自己的跟踪数据集来训练deepac,但是遇到了以下已个问题:1. maximum_body_diameter这个参数我在您其他issues里的回答里理解的是模型的最大尺寸值,拿cat来说,您的obj模型我打开看了是max直径是128m,但是您在MyModel.yaml里给是的0.3,所以想问下,这个0.3是如何确定的,还是说它只是一个实例值,实际要填…
Geodesic distance distribution count exceeds total possible dyad counts (e.g., for faux.mesa.high: choose(205, 2) = 20910)
I'm (finally) implementing support for `POLYGON FULL` in `sf`, and ran into `s2_rebuild` converting an s2 full polygon to a `GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY`. I don't think it should! I'll work around it in …
edzer updated
2 months ago
Until point is placed we see dotted preview, which is just straight line, only after click it become geodesic.
But when editing existent line (or polygon edge) then we see right geodesic shape change…
I am attempting to compute a geodesic loop through a specific point, but when I use either find_geodesic_loop or find_geodesic_path_poly, the returned path does not contain any of the input points. Wh…
### Expected behavior and actual behavior
When doing `GeoVector.buffer` the user would expect for proper geodesic buffering to happen, as described in this article: