$subj. Or maybe even older versions?
The old Java-based decompiler by Clam fails on some GM 7.0 executables, for example:
https://yadi.sk/d/rwM0eZmIUqRWQ (D2DMP_Editor.exe in the archive)
I can…
I don't have gm 8.1 yet but I'm interested in playing around with psp but before I do that I wanted to know if there's network capabilities implemented at all?
GM8Decompiler v2.1.1 for i686-pc-windows-gnu - built on 2021/3/9, #452a89b
Input file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\BrickHill\Player.exe
Verbose logging ON: verbose console output enabled
if you type in "poop" for example, just like any other given string, and draw that keyboard string with draw_text it will show the correct string, however try comparing that value with what it actuall…
It is possible that there is such an option, but I have not found it.
GM8Emulator allows you to run EXE files. Is there an option to run GMK files? As far as I know, Runner runs GMK files.
Trying to port this game maker 7 game to psp, but I get an unhandled exception error and it closes itself. Managed to get a screenshot before it closes.
I can almost get Gamemaker8.1 games to be able to be TAS'd (like IWBTB in the first post) in libtas with wine on commit 3f385b3aa2fbd86c9ad93a7e2d6a1ffa6477a522 but it's caught on a few points. fwiw i…
As most here know surfaces are screwed up. They render upside down, but not only that, they also have the dreaded off by one pixel bug as well as they are blurred a little.
1) I figured how to fix the…
This is a list of incompatibilities that exist as of now, most of these should be fix when the new parser arrives but it's best they all be checked when it does.
- [x] Negative values are treated as …
Ticket #206349
Feature Type: feat_addition_functionality
Description: User has gotten in touch to let us know that GM8 and GM:S1.x were accessible using a screen reader called [NVDA|https://www.nv…