Has anyone had this error before and been able to resolve it?
it appears that an update to the site at Google I/O caused the scraper to break.
hopefully, I'll be able to fix this soon.
We currently fetch jobs using the JSearch API, which is a wrapper around Google for Jobs. So, search for alternatives for better control and lower cost.
Using version 3.3.1, in order to backup to Google Cloud Storage, I had to fake an S3 bucket in the _/etc/scylla-manager-agent/scylla-manager-agent.yaml_ file, specifying a fake region ('aaa'). Otherwi…
Automated tests do not cover the core business logic: scraping.
While 100% test coverage is not required for this code challenge, all critical paths of the application sho…
Many searches are failing from our Google Trends API.
[Google Trends Status](https://serpapi.com/status/google_trends)
Probably related:
We currently have a scraper that scrapes job postings from GT On Campus Job websites in a manually managed cron-job. Let's find a way to use Google Cloud Platform to host this scraper job on the cloud
If i try the call from the example:
$gt->getAllOneKeyWord('Donald Trump'));
I only get an empty error - and if i check the request directly - google states something like:
"The server cannot proces…
rkgb updated
3 months ago
This app no longer exists. As a result, the test fails. cc @jbigman