Darkmode/Lightmode functionality
Detecting system-wide theme as dark/light is not going so well on NixOS. In addtion, my themes are defined through nix-colors, so switching the color-sche…
I would love if you made 3 of them for Light and dark like
1. Dark Hard Gruvbox
2. Dark Medium Gruvbox
3. Dark Soft Gruvbox [which is the current one]
and the same for Light versions
Just an…
Expected behaviour (`st` terminal with Gruvbox colours):
Actual behaviour (`vterm` wi…
I have the following configuration in my .vimrc:
set background=dark
let g:gruvbox_bold = 1
let g:gruvbox_transparent_bg = 1
let g:gruvbox_improved_warnings = 1
colorscheme gruvbox
Lazygit suddenly not respecting or using delta's colours
this is how delta looks like in the terminal as a pager:
Recently, treesitter changed the highlight groups from something like `TSFunction` into `@function`, so I tried customizing it using the `vim.g.gruvbox_theme` variable, but it throws an error saying t…
The `Name` entry in `index.theme` says `oomox-gruvbox-dark`, but the installation instruction says to install the theme under `~/.icons/gruvbox-dark-icons-gtk`. Probably the `Name` should be changed t…
Move away from Solarized
i try
`brew install btop`
and here is my path files
➜ ~ tree ~/.config/btop
├── btop.conf
└── themes
├── HotPurpleTrafficLight.theme
├── adapta…
Hi, first of all, congratulations for your excellent work.
I have this problem with [st and gruvbox-dark-medium](https://imgur.com/a/IQrhl7v) that the colors are never correct as they are in [urxvt …