sudo truecallerjs login
Enter mobile number in International Format
Example : +919912345678.
? Enter your phone number : +918847422300
Sending OTP to +918847422300.
> Verifi…
## Issue Description
_#91155 uncovered that the 686/674 application attempts to insert a value into the PHONE_NBR column of the VNP_PTCPNT_PHONE table, but the value's length exceeds the maximum allow…
Create examples in storybook, link them from pattern page
Is it somehow possible to get the international/default number from libphonenumber-js validation? Because the input returns the wrong phone number.
For example, Germany is selected as languag…
A vanilla javascript version of the phone input using the intlTelInput library.
Steps to reproduce:
use radd to create a command to edit the phone number of an international resident
radd n/John Doe p/+6591234567 e/e0123456@u.nus.edu y/3
Successfully added resident.
I am encountering an issue while trying to sign up for the Microsoft Developer Program. When I attempt to register using my mobile phone number, I receive the following error message:
> "…
Steps to reproduce:
use radd to create a command to edit the phone number of an international resident
radd n/John Doe p/+6591234567 e/e0123456@u.nus.edu y/3
Successfully added resident.
#My international number is being parsed incorrectly. It is pulling only the digits that make up what appears to be a US number. For privacy I used X's instead of my real number.
+34 XXX…
![Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 16.46.27.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2103-AY2324S2/pe/master/files/8a24833a-5130-4b13-bcf3-7b165ab7a0c2.png)
It has been indicated that only phone numbers …