Computing `qr` factorization on `SparseMatrixCSC{Float32}` causes an error with Julia 1.11:
using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
A = sprandn(Float32, 10, 10, 0.5)
qr(Float64.(A)) # works …
If PlantSimEngine is intended for use by non-programmers, or people with very little background in Julia, it might be worth adding some specific pages to the documentation that help novices quickly id…
Recently the julia language server has stopped working for me on Neovim on Windows.
Here is the relevant LspLog
[ERROR][2024-11-20 13:39:15] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:770 "rpc" "C:\\Users\\hari…
When running a GPU-accelerated neural network model using Lux.jl, LuxCUDA.jl, and Zygote.jl, the program encounters an `ArgumentError` when attempting to compute gradients on GPU inputs using `Zygote.…
I am on Enzyme main (b63f36f6) and Julia 1.10.6. The following used to work.
using Enzyme
f_nest(x) = 2 * x^4
deriv(f, x) = first(first(autodiff(Reverse, f, Active(x))))
f′(x) = deriv(f_nest,…
julia> using NaturalEarth, DataFrames, GeoParquet, GeoDataFrames
julia> all_countries = naturalearth("admin_0_countries", 10) |> DataFrame |> x -> select!(x, [:geometry, :ADM0_A3])
- what version of Makie are you running? (`]st -m Makie`)
Makie v0.21.16
- can you reproduce the bug with a fresh environment ? (`]activate --temp; add Makie`)
- What platform + GPU are yo…
@HechtiDerLachs For the ring
julia> Qxyz, (x, y, z) = QQ["x", "y", "z"];
julia> I = ideal(Qxyz, x^2 - x, x * y);
julia> Q, = quo(Qxyz, I);
julia> L, = localization(Q, powers_of_element(…
- [ ] Base image with core spatial deps installed
- [x] Addition to other images for x-language work