HI! recently I have a question about your pretrained HMR model.
You know that HMR model also used 2d dataset for training such as LSP, LSP-extended, MPII and MS COCO, may I ask do u still keep them …
For the ordinal datasets provided in annot.mat and joints.mat scale and center of the people werenot given alongside would be great if you can provide them for both lsp and mpii
Hi, thanks for your great work!
I was wondering why you chose `[128, 128, 128]` and `[256, 256, 256]` as `mean` and `std` for your dataset. What if we use those from [ImageNet](https://github.com/pyt…
Thank you for your precious work.
When I tried DANN, the following error happened:
Fail to download image_list.zip from url link https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/fbbb6b1a43034712b34d/?dl=1
Please ch…
How about this problem?
lsp@lsp-Lenovo-B40-70:~/ORB_SLAM2$ ./Examples/RGB-D/rgbd_tum Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/RGB-D/TUM1.yaml Data/rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_desk Data/rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_desk/a…
I tried to test the dataset loading process as described in https://github.com/Arthur151/ROMP/blob/master/docs/dataset.md
`python -m romp.lib.dataset.lsp`
It raised an error as below:
Thanks for sharing the code! When I ran the code on PPI dataset, I'm unable to have a student (LSP) of F1 score 96.1 as reported in Table 2 of the paper. I used default settings and teacher pat…
LSP[julials] Julia Extension: Please contact us! Your extension just crashed with a bug that we have been trying to replicate for a long time. You could help
the development team a lot by conta…
Moelf updated
2 months ago
Hi, this is really nice work.However, when i tried to use the dataset and try to crop the data, i got the error like this
"ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (57,97,3) into shape…
Hello, there are some questions when I see you code.
You code in deploy.prototxt is about the lsp dataset, it is about 26 points, but why are you just assign the output's channels for 13?And why are …