### Intro
I am a grad student using Mujoco to simulate a soft bodied robot made with the cable composite elements. Despite having the proper dimensions and Twist/Bend properties for the m…
app.js:56 TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'isHoliday')
at node_modules/moment-business-days/index.js (index.js:7:11)
at __require2 (chunk-DA74IYYC.js?v=31bda342:17:50)…
When trying to check for any content I always get this content:
`b'Just a moment...
I'm using `ember-changeset` v4.1.2 (`validated-changeset` v1.3.4) and have an ES6 class with a tracked property whose value is either `null` or a `moment` instance. If that property on an instance of …
The moment fitting integration is not currently working on distributed.
I have done some progress in my fork [distributed_moment_fitting](https://github.com/pmartorell/GridapEmbedde…
**Describe the bug**
The sounds stop for a moment each time the display is suspended, and when the display is turned on, the sounds stop again.
**To Reproduce**
1. Set the time to suspend the dis…
Hi there,
I'm experiencing an issue where, the moment the roulette stops spinning, it blinks for a fraction of a second, likely returning to its initial state. Then it goes back to the finish state.
This reduces bundle size and gives us built in browser timezone and internationalization support
Currently the Date is always displayed in English and the code doesn't do anything about it.
See https://momentjs.com/docs/#/i18n/ .