Dan, this is a fantastic plugin and something I had wanted to dive into myself but didn't have the skills. Thanks for releasing this!
A wishlist feature for me would be to draw a ghost model of a car…
|GameID|GameState File|
Ever since the halloween update, my Mann Vs. Machine server has been crashing repeatedly, and at random with "Host_Error: Overflow error writing string table baseline Scenes"
This never used to occur…
> I'm going to try powering up the board on the bench. I have a *really* old board purchased as a spare some years ago when I looked at this issue before. I have "modified" it extensively. It may not …
Je souhaiterai faire communiquer/sonner 2 téléphones s63 a cadran. Existe-t-il un vieil intercom qui permettrait de le faire? Pensez-vous que je puisse le faire avec 1 arduino? Merci et brav…
### This is the exclusive thread for feature requests.
For further instructions check the wiki:
### Before reporting
- Any and…
Any chance of adding a feature where you can take an SBS stereo image, one that contains a different angle for each side, e.g. left side is a photo taken to the left of the subject, right side is anot…