I was trying to do some benchmarking for the upcoming CompressedBeliefMDPs.jl package and ran into some trouble when trying to use [POMDPs.value](https://juliapomdp.github.io/POMDPs.jl/latest/api/#POM…
# Steps to Recreate
Very minor formatting issue in the printout: I think `::AbstractArray{Float641}` should be `::AbstractArray{Float64, 1}` (see screenshot below).
using POMDPs
Hello, I tried to run tests for thor, but I had some errors:
For `_test_optimal_search_agent`, I have the following error (the same with `_test_mjolnir_agent`):
Traceback (most recent call la…
Just for the info, though perhaps it is a an external bug:
R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24) -- "Puppy Cup"
Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: powerpc-apple-dar…
// Observation probability O(z | s', a), incorporating the motion uncertainty of obstacle vehicle
double POMDP_Plan::ObsProb(OBS_TYPE obs, const State& state, int action) const{
const POMDP_Pl…
where do I place it? I tried python test_vision_detector_search.py
and I put corr in /home/chuong/cos-pomdp/experiments/thor/
but it keeps telling me this error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errn…
The ParticleFilters.jl package is excellent because it can also interface with the POMDPs belief updaters—I'm wondering if this is something you've intended for this package too.
mossr updated
3 years ago
Implement a Wrapper for `Environment` that transforms the `observation` field of `TimeStep` to be a nested `TimeStep`.
This issue follows on from https://github.com/JuliaPOMDP/POMDPPolicies.jl/pull/36.
To simulate Finite Horizon POMDPs, I had to rewrite at least 3 methods to support Finite Horizon POMDPs.
The ma…