We need to test our new RK4() function using multiple threads to check the runtime.
I was experimenting with some time tests and find that odeint to calculate the growth functions is quite slow.
I have tried to hack and replace it with rk4 integration in the growth function itself …
undefined function or variable' rk4'. Error simulate (line 21) x_out =rk4(@ requirements_of_motion, dt ,[ r (:, ii); v (:, ii)], u (:, ii));
Please consider the following minimal nonworking example. It prepares a Hartree Fock state on 4 spatial modes (8 spin orbitals), applies a particle number conserving operation (via time evolution) on …
Tidal implementation of SAL for RK4 may be incorrect in #371 at https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model/pull/371/files#diff-d2a9414bd0f5332537025544c6ed7ea9R357
Currently, SAL is computed as a pertu…
In global runs, RK4 should be the default option for accuracy since time stepping with super cycling will not be using the Eulerian timestep dt. Larger time steps, e.g., 4-6 hrs, will benefit from us…
Supercycling particle integration implemented in https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/MPAS/pull/1484 should be verified for global runs.
Hello I was measuring the performance between of torchdiffeq odeint and your symplectic odeint and I get following error in my code segment:
class Lambda(nn.Module):
def forward(self,…
VPLanet would probably be ~10x faster, and a more flexible if it used a production quality ODE solver. I think [LSODA (this is link to C version)](https://github.com/sdwfrost/liblsoda) is a good optio…