The error is below.I want to know how to solve it.Thank you.
determining read length
Trimming reads
sh: 1: parallel: not found
sh: 1: parallel: not found
rm: cannot remove '*trimmed.fq': …
## New feature
For rnasplice pipeline, I wanted to provide my previous salmon output as an input as suggested [here](https://nf-co.re/rnasplice/1.0.2/docs/usage#salmon-quantification-files)
So I…
From @cmeesters:
> Kallisto performs (wording according to docs) a "pseuoalignment" - it is not a classical aligner and should
> not be mentioned as such.
> "If you know about the Kallisto sof…
salmon index -t Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cds.all.fa -i transcript_index --decoys decoys.txt -k 31
Version Info: ### PLEASE UPGRADE SALMON ###
### A newer version of salmon with bug fixes is available. ##…
I am really new to the metaWRAP, I have some issues with installation and some queries,
1. I tried several to install as the guide, I created a new environment and used mamba to install,…
thank you for your help. I successfully ran BayesDRIMSeq for kallisto and salmon counts. However, when I tried in RSEM calculated counts, I encountered the following error:
Error in { : task…
Hello, I ran Trinity on a series of RNA-seq data sets using the below command. I however get the below error, where 1 "Final Trinity" assembly failed. Does anyone know what the error could be associat…
### Description of the bug
Hi there,
Could you comment on my error on strandness below.
My sample sheet is something like this:
Gnos property is not shown as diked. It should be.
What about areas east of 101 on the north side of the river? These are tidally restricted due to… tide gates? Restrictive culverts?
Sorry, can't make a pull request right now. But i think you should use the css color 'salmon' instead of 'tomato' for the salmon element. Just feels right. :fish: :smile: