Sorry for my english (google translator). To start with thank you for sharing this project, unfortunately I have a problem with compiling the sketch. I don't know much about programming but I t…
Are there any plans to add F1 series support in the near future?
`Compiling .pioenvs\BIGTREE_SKR_MINI\src\src\HAL\HAL_STM32F1\persistent_…
I'm trying to port my NMEA2000 application to an STM32F1 in order to get a little more resources.
I get a compile error due to include of MapleIntCompatibility.h in NMEA2000_CAN.h (added in commit …
KimBP updated
8 years ago
I'm trying this official Modbus library for Arduino IDE 1.8.13 with stm32duino.
I tried compiling ModbusRTUServerLED with no success.
### RT-Thread Version
### Hardware Type/Architectures
### Develop Toolchain
### Describe the bug
rt-thread\components\drivers\ipc\condvar.c 第50行 if (timeout != RT_WAITING…
When using the [MySensors library](https://platformio.org/lib/show/548/MySensors), linking fails with...
.pio/build/genericSTM32F103CB/src/main.cpp.o: In function `premain()':
Arduino:1.8.19 (Windows 7), 開發板:"Generic STM32F1 series, BlackPill F103C8, STM32CubeProgrammer (SWD), Enabled (generic 'Serial'), None, Low/Full Speed, Smallest (-Os default), None, Newlib Nano (defau…
I am not well versed in programming micro controllers and this is my first experience. I get a lot of compilation errors. I have corrected some of them. But I don't understand what to do with it.
The F1 GPIO mapping works completely different, by "remapping" all the pins for a peripheral together.
Invent some YAML format to represent that, and extract it from the GPIO XMLs.