I am trying to run STRUCTURE from the command line using Structure-threader. This is the error that I am getting:
This is my braker.log
I encountered a problem while running structure_threader that is likely related to the following message in the log:
error in the terminal:
`CRITICAL: 11 alstructure runs exited with errors…
Bob uncapable to produce 100% CPU usage
Mostly it uses 12,5% which is one single thread.
even though i use -j8 for my i7 6700K
Bob is a bottleneck.
CMake is like 100 to 10000 faster, simply…
Ivan Morales [reported](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/structure-software/3vgWgM_FmIg) an issue with installing *Structure_threader* on windows via pip.
This seems to be related to the Alstr…
I am running faststructure like this.
~/.local/bin/structure_threader run --no_tests=True --no_plots=True --ind ind.txt -Klist 2 -R 5 -i ../sb.bed -o structure_threader -t 10 -fs ~/progra…
Hi Theere,
I ma trying to run structure_threader with following command:
structure_threader run -K 6 -R 100 -i WGvarients.DP3g95maf05.sorted2.recode.strct_in -o ./str_out/ -t 4 -st /home/ram/tool…
Here's the (short) list of packages that we we're able to map to PyPI:
(bio.tools identifier, bio.tools entry name, PyPI package name, PyPI package url)
- SciLuigi SciLuigi sciluigi https://gith…
Hi all!
I'm running structure_threader on a cluster using the Slurm scheduler. I ask Slurm for 77 cores, in order to run K=2 to K=8, 10 reps/K. The run proceeds and after a couple of days produces ou…
Hi, I am using structure_threader on some microsatellite data and have no problem getting structure to run, but no plots are created AND when I try to plot manually with the plot function I get a simi…