The topsky functionality for direction finder went UNAVIL after second-last sector file update, I think together with an TopSky plugin update. Is there any fix for this?
My logs attached, but I don't see any errors.
Updated to 1.6.1 today and it's crashed twice during my sess…
[Testpackage Download](https://dms.vatsim-germany.org/f/105589)
So ich hab dann mal was zusammengebastelt.Diese Verschmelzung dient jetzt nur als Arbeitsumgebung, damit man nicht 20 verschiedene file…
The RDF feature within the TopSky plugin is not working when using VectorAudio.
Implement automatic SID setting if activated
# What are the suggested changes?
As per [this](https://github.com/VATSIM-UK/sector-file-compiler/pull/210) sector file compiler update, we now have the ArcGen algorithm built into the compiler, usin…
In Dep-List ggf. Clickspots anpassen, bspw. rechtsklick auf CFL öffnet aktuell climbrate, evtl auf Euroscope-Level-Dropdown ändern
Muss auch angepasst werden:
Go through the whole update to check the changes
Changes from version 2.5:
See the version history document in the package for a list of the biggest changes...
Some of the changes users should …
Topsky kann auf die nächste Beta angepasst werden.
Would like to know is there any possibility to build an API which returns the current RX and TX channels and frequencies?
E.g. -> "/RX" and "/TX", returns "xxxx_CTR:120.300,xxxx_APP:122.250,xxxx_TW…