### Operating System
Other Linux (please specify below)
### Other Linux
### Workflow Version
v 24.10.0
### Workflow Execution
Command line (Local)
### Other workflow exe…
### Operating System
CentOS 7
### Other Linux
_No response_
### Workflow Version
### Workflow Execution
Command line (Local)
### Other workflow execution
_No response_
### EP…
I have two VCF files and want to calculate genotype concordance on a per samples basis. The two VCF files contain only the genotype values that were imputed based on two different approaches an…
### Operating System
Other Linux (please specify below)
### Other Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9
### Workflow Version
### Workflow Execution
Command line (Cluster)
### Other workflo…
### # Downloads input files:
### #Known variant file
`[wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-99/variation/gvf/homo_sapiens/homo_sapiens-chr18.gvf.gz' -O homo_sapiens.vcf.gz](url)`
# # Select varia…
### Description of feature
investigate vcfstats to see if it is a good way to visualize vcf statistics
### Is there an existing module for this?
- [X] I have searched for the existing module
### Is there an open PR for this?
- [X] I have searched for existing PRs
### Is there an open issue for this…
### Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04
### Other Linux
_No response_
### Workflow Version
epi2me-labs/wf-human-variation v1.11.0-86117a3
### Workflow Execution
Command line
### EPI2ME Version
_No …
Hi there,
I've encountered some results that confuse me, since I did not find any interpretation of the output of stats.
I ran the command
`bcftools stats HG001_ZJ1.sorted.markdup.BQSR.vcf -s - >…
Hope someone still keeps an eye on issues here :-)
I am trying to install ReMatCh in an Ubuntu 20.02 in order to run the INNuca pipeline, but I cannot get through the installation.