1. Restart mac mini
2. Open Xcode and verify that simulators are running on Xcode
3. ./zebrunner.sh status
Apple_TV (DBF722DB-C6BB-4F72-9828-438DE90795B7) is unhealthy!
we have to deprecate `report_url` parameter and reuse `ci_build_url` instead.
make sure to append static ZebrunnerReport, CucumberReport etc during exact url generation and registration.
issue with unlocking iOS device is fixed: https://github.com/zebrunner/stf/issues/145
in scope of this ticket let's do a research if we can organize device farm for manual and automation usage with…
GitHub Pull Request Builder
SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins
S3 Publish
user build vars plugin
HTTP Request Plugin
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open iPhone 8 on STF
2. Go to 'Screenshots' tab and take at least one screenshot
3. Zoom in the screenshot using the +/- sliding bar in top right corner to the max value
we are going to share usbmuxd from device container outside (still TBD if we use proxy service or direct sharing after login) so this command should be displayed in `Remote debug` field.
socat U…
we can start audio recording as for video and using ffmpeg concat everything together.
if all g…
still TBD if needed but it general it doesn't have any sense to generate video on device if s3 integration is empty...
need review and try to get all possible logs from device/emulator using the control via shell and appium
we should be able to reuse external wda when needed and don't perform device status check, wda startup etc.
Make sure to do obligatory status verification using wda host and port