Dear developers,
Can you please provide the rating of stepper motors used in this project??
Quite a few amazon links in the V3.0 BOM have gone dead; it'd be nice if those got updated. This may be some people's first printer they build, and they may not be confident they understand how to ch…
I don't know if i'm in the good place to post this issue, that is my first message on github. I ll move/delete the message if the place is not approprieted.
I 'm trying to move nema17 stepper wi…
ghost updated
5 years ago
I like to help, I can create a document on assembling the STL also I can convert the STL into step file.
Hallo (ich schon wieder)
Was ist denn das "ITEM 40mm aluminium profile"?
Ist damit das Profile 8 gemeint?
Wow, this project looks awesome!
I am a big fan of the TMC5160 and I am looking forward to see your board running
are you sure about the sense resistor value? I think 0,075 Ohm is a bit low
The a…
This is just a suggestion, but from the [Skelestruder](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2845416) I tested, it seems that using a much lighter slimline motor, doesn't give any negative effects in prin…
I'm new with this tmc2130, i'm in project mode lol, i do one thing with 3 nema 17, first i put a4988, after i put drv8825, without problem, working wel…
### Issue description
I set up the firmware in config files as COREYX mechanism. My machine is running with RADDS 1.6 Board with RAPS driver and original Arduino Due. The 2 Nema17 Steppers for Core m…
Dear Chuk,
I've reformatted your BOM, to be a markdown file and added the link to this github repo:
Here is the code:
DIY Prusa Multi Material Upgrade (MMU) 2.0