I updated R a few days ago and I also updated BiocManager and so... but when trying to install celldex, it's not working... I've tried reinstalling Rcpp, rhd5lib, hdf5, I've tried many things an…
After installing RelimpPCR on Windows10, R4.0 with no error messages, using it fails complaining about ipred being missing. After installing that separately, it did run,
But running the example in …
in R3.3 I was getting in the multicore mode with mclapply, for all core except one the following error:
Rcpp::exception in rsqlite_send_query(conn@ptr, statement): database disk image is malformed
I'm trying to install uwot on my PC R-4.1.2.
error message as following
> devtools::install_github("jlmelville/uwot")
Downloading GitHub repo jlmelville/uwot@HEAD
These packages have more re…
The first submission of my R package **cgalPolygons** has been archived because of a warning. I reported this issue to you and you replied that the problem has been fixed in 5.5.2. Since the…
Hi Rich, I just try to put RcppR6 into my own packages. This package is really inseresting!
Reading the code of RcppR6, I just learned how to use XPtr in Rcpp. oops... I missed this feature when I f…
qinwf updated
9 years ago
I get this error when installing the package via install_github on windows. Any idea what's wrong?
`* installing *source* package 'partialAR' ...
** using staged installation
** …
flowR Preferences:
> Use Local Shell
> Local Node.js version: 22.5.1
> Local flowR version: 2.0.25
> R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
> Platform: aarch64-…
I got this issue when I was testing it. Anything I could try to fix it? Thanks a lot.
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x30, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .Call("_scPipe_rcpp…
Is there any trick to install the package on Win 10 Pro? I tried, but get compile errors on the easywsclient.cpp?
Many thanks for your advice.