### Prerequisites
* [X] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following:
* Check that your issue is not already [filed](https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/iss…
In GitLab by @mn3981 on Jun 20, 2022, 15:19
_Merges 1616-central-solenoid-in-non-inductive-case-2 -> develop_
Closes #1616
import Lean
open Lean
macro "test" x:ident : command => do
let [(name, _)] ← Macro.resolveGlobalName x.getId | Macro.throwUnsupported
`(protected theorem $(mkIdent (name.mkStr "ext"))…
I would like to ask if the adversarial example attacks on the graph are all for GCN? Could it be applied to other inductive graph neural network models, such as GAT and GraphSAGE?
From QuickChick Require Import Decidability.
Inductive exp :=
Atom : exp
| List : list exp -> exp.
Instance Dec_Eq__exp : Dec_Eq exp.
Proof. Timeout 1 dec_eq.
> Error: Timeout…
Sometimes we get Coq output that is not in dependency order for the grammar definitions.
For example, with this input file
sort :: '' ::=
| Tm :: :: Tm
context, G…
When giving the printer the M0 geode command it doesn't work. It just ignores the command and continues printing. I know M600 works to change filament, but I want an unconditional pause for a certain …
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import utils MCList.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import MonadBasicAst MonadAst TemplateMonad Ast Loader.
Require Import Equations.Prop.Classes.
Require Import C…
We might try using the inductive graph data structure:
ESBMC is providing various incorrect results when analyzing the termination property. In particular, our inductive step is incorrectly producing `VERIFICATION SUCCESSFUL` for various benchmarks.