### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | arm64
OS | ubuntu 20.04
Queue | AmpereUbuntu
Baseline | [3ab663e128e233ad1f4a1a4a0df64b08a846bcd5](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime…
If we are doing single face detection, then we might need not yolo as we only need to predict one bounding box and we can just traditional cnn i.e. resnet or something and just add a regression layer …
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | alpine 3.15
Queue | TigerAlpine
Baseline | [79effd2c09a7a3049d0b29c998e444ba51864131](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/79ef…
### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | ubuntu 18.04
Baseline | [2eca2d319bf8d1247edf38facfdd501e0e2f0030](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/2eca2d319bf8d1247edf38facfdd501e0e…
* It's fast and can be quite small.
* Detection should be improved
* Similar to first model it runs on fixed resolution (512 by default)
* …
### Run Information
Architecture | x86
-- | --
OS | Windows 10.0.18362
Baseline | [10d342cecc5cbfc57419f8a92af4787f29d76c08](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/10d342cecc5cbfc57419f8a92af4…
### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | Windows 10.0.19042
Baseline | [2725a849bd66b03ec3c295f48d56884c6ba5e3b4](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/2725a849bd66b03ec3c295f48d56…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 22.04
Queue | TigerUbuntu
Baseline | [4a5695b6ea0e461e6527de057420872369345282](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/4a5…
### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | Windows 10.0.18362
Baseline | [49751b22745881ce98f84dddf31557c33546de36](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/49751b22745881ce98f84dddf315…
### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | ubuntu 18.04
Baseline | [1f1231c36a9b247aaf0111496d3c0a3b3611ef15](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/1f1231c36a9b247aaf0111496d3c0a3b36…