_Not supported image format: Assets/GoogleARCore/Examples/AugmentedImage/Images/qrtestjpg.JPG._
BuildFailedException: Temp/UnityTempFile-367f66ed52b97c049a164de835e8b…
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
EcsRx.Unity.JSONNode.set_AsVector3 (UnityEngine.Vector3 value) (at Assets/EcsRx/Unity/JSON.cs:949)
I am using this library for the Outline 8 shadow effect on a TextMesh Pro Text object. The resulting shadow is sharper and looks better on pixel fonts than the default TextMesh Pro outline.
But I'm…
It seems that regular scripts aren't allowed to be included in the AssetBundle.
I thought having the scripts in a dll would resolve it but while loading in the game tells me:
_Warning: Unity Log] Th…
I copy the project, open the example, but when i hit play, gives me this error:
> JNI: Init'd AndroidJavaClass with null ptr!
UnityEngine.AndroidJavaClass..ctor (IntPtr jclass) (at C:/buildslave/u…
### Are you on the latest version of AssetRipper?
Yes, I'm on the latest release of AssetRipper.
### Which release are you using?
Windows x64
### Which game did this occur on?
Fallout Shelter
I am a Unity learner. I came across your project through search. It looks like cool. All features listed I love to learn how it is done. But when I open it up in Unity. I get many errors most of them …
MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
Unity 2019.3.5
The example scene is broken. It is missing scripts and missing textures.
- John
How to reproduce:
1. Open the "cinemachine test.zip" in Unity 2018.3 (O
ther versions may have namespace errors)
2. Open Window - General - Recorder - Recorder Window
3. Press "Start Recording"
unity客户端看log是2017年刚开始的时候 做了一个? 并且编译了 dll到客户端使用,unity一启动自动删除了一些dll,并且编译client.scripts和client.engine的时候依赖了.netcore的服务器协议,但是net46编译不了