Allow admins to select between stock palettes and allow users to create their own in-UI.
**Data source:** 8. 维基百科
**Reference link:** https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:%E9%9F%93%E5%9C%8B%E9%90%B5%E9%81%93%E8%B7%AF%E7%B7%9A%E8%89%B2
**Justification:** 增加GTX-A线路颜色(2024年3月30日开通)
### **Title**
- [ ] Design Wireframes and Define Style Guide
- [ ] Develop wireframes for core application screens (login, dashboard, account management, etc.) and …
Le sens des flèches pour "ouvrir" / "fermer" une catégorie de réglages est inversée
- flèche vers le bas quand la catégorie est fermée pour l'ouvrir
- flèche vers le haut quand la catégorie est ouve…
### Description
When using the standard Windows pallete window, it is impossible to enter a three-digit number in the text boxes on the right (Red, Green, Blue text input). The text input boxes only …
Not improved/ not fixed https://github.com/gpxstudio/gpxstudio.github.io/issues/252
Green or other colors when I open another new track are just totally can't be really seen.
### Description
Implement the new color palette throughout the website, ensuring consistency across all pages and elements.
Primary color: Lavander
Logo: Lavander
Naturally, at the end of Medarot 4, a staff roll appears. This can be accessed from the debug menu as the 19th option from the top (スタッフロール). It can also be accessed by directly editing `C480-C481` to…
Is there a way to convert the color theme for [`passion`](https://github.com/ChesterYue/ohmyzsh-theme-passion/blob/main/passsion.itermcolors) to `alacritty` palette config?
If so, maybe write a too…
## Context
To further examine inconsistencies in icons design after #4017 and #7195, I extracted colors from SVGs to count their frequencies.
1. Rarely used colors may be added by mistake, and…