would it be possible to allow Shape sleep? the idea is to have one body with multiple Trimesh Shapes
and lets the Shape sleep if the Character is not near. ( near distance could be done with…
Possible to use GeometryCompressionUtils with three-mesh-bvh?
Tried to run `GeometryCompressionUtils.compressPositions(mesh);` befor…
Instanced mesh could possibly be supported by bookkeeping each instance as a point in a BVH and raycasting against each point assuming it has the bounding sphere radius of the instanced object. It get…
Hey I'm using `@react-three/fiber & drei` it worked in the beginning then I've got a massive error something like:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: C:\Users\XapuR\One…
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: C:\Users\XapuR\OneDrive\xapu1337-website\node_modules\three-mesh-bvh\src\index.js
The only way I've managed to get this working is to use `next@10` and `next-transpile-modules@^4.1.0`.
**Describe the bug**
Getting the following error when trying to import these classes.
When testing the "coffeemat" model there's a section where the closest hit is not retrieved when raycast.firstHitOnly === true:
Specifically on this handle thing:
Every for loop over attribute arrays needs to account for `attribute.stride` (default to `attribute.itemSize`) and `attribute.offset` (defaulting to 0).
Change from something like this: