I have compared the _icc-profile=_ setting of **mpv** to Apple’s native **QuickTime Player X** on OS X 10.9.1 and found that the resulting colors are basically correct, but the image is too dark.
In order to support the use of phone numbers as a factor in smart contract recovery, a contract will need to be written to act as a proxy for any address considered "verified" for an identifier (i.e. …
SIMD-Enabled types are poorly documented, so I need to ask about two things:
1. Vectors are defined by only one point . Does this mean that its direction is from the origin point to that point?
ghost updated
3 years ago
I opened this ticket to keep track of everything and my findings when building on the M1 (ARM) chip from Apple.
I would appreciate any help and support from the community.
with only some minor cha…
Hi Did anyone tried to insert the Xiaomi device MiJia Light intensity sensor (GZCGQ01LM)
see [https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4000476379615.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.776f4c4drRn2bj]
Thx Louis
hello Wouter , is it possible to have a correct powercurve for the Tacx Flow T2250 , the current powercurve is far off and i could not find a good way to adjust it to my Garmi…
For example, `nodefactor()` by default uses the lexicographically first category as baseline. Should the mixing terms do the same for the first combination (i.e., `levels2=-1`) by default?
There is a nice note on an integration of LT into LaTeX workflow http://wiki.languagetool.org/checking-la-tex-with-languagetool However, LT lacks LaTeX support actually. E.g. document in any langua…
## Are you making a feature request?
- Is there a plan on making the image rotatable?
I believe that the first towards online mixture models is to be able to update the inverse of a covariance matrix online. This isn't trivial, but seems reasonably doable. [This](https://christian-igel…