_vladislav-saling created the following on Mar 25:_
### User story
This will be the IBM.com Library foundation stories, which includes the architecture we will be creating to support the overal…
_Jeff-Chew created the following on Sep 11:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
DDS member
> I need to:
have a staging environment for the release branch
> so that I can:
_Jeff-Chew created the following on Sep 16:_
### Detailed description
The masthead and footer are both calling the translation service in Netlify. However, they are getting a CORS error when at…
_Jeff-Chew created the following on Sep 06:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
IBM Data Analyst
> I need to:
have dynamic event triggers from the IBM.com Library's Masthead
> so tha…
_Olivia-Flory created the following on Mar 20:_
### User story
As an adopter of the Carbon + dotcom add-on, I need a design kit with components for digital design (16px type size) so that I can s…
_maryod created the following on Aug 09:_
> As a visitor to ibm.com, I want to see the locale banner if I have landed on a non-English site and there is a localized version of the page available. …
_hahnrob created the following on Oct 10:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
Carbon Offering Manager
> I need to:
receive a list of the components in priority order that factors in t…
_Benjamin-Hansen1 created the following on May 03:_
#### User story
As a user, I need a way to know when I am leaving my preferred language so that I can make the decision if I want to leave my l…
_Wonil-Suh1 created the following on Jul 25:_
### User story
As an adopter, I need a standardized way that will allow me to add left side panel that can house my interface elements such as filter…
_Jeff-Chew created the following on Sep 20:_
#### User Story
> As a `[user role below]`:
IBM.com Library user
> I need to:
see what is planned for the October 2019 release of the IBM.com Libra…