Anything with `find...` won't work and also others :confused:
We have pretty much given up trying to get BatchJobsParam working on our LSF cluster. We frequently encounter seemingly random failures at various stages, including just after submission (the transiti…
Some sepctra are not centroided in synobj2, which breaks `filterFragments`.
SRC: https://code.google.com/p/batchjobs/issues/detail?id=22
I suggest that you add a help("BatchJobs") overview page. It's also a neat way to quickly access the HTML help of the package without lot…
mllg updated
10 years ago
Here is the minimal example:
r = makeRegistry("test", file.dir=as.character(sample(10000, 1)), src.dirs = "Blubb")
f = function(x) x^2
batchMap(r, f, 1:20)
where Bl…
I noticed the FAQ on 'multicore does not work' ... this is not my issue, it works very nicely in certain respects. However, tracking submission in the registry seems not to work. many of the job cou…
It is possible to define packages to be loaded on the nodes, but not to `source()` scripts. This is valid when the function I call resides in another file that makes use of helper functions there.
Hello Tengfei and ggbio maintainers,
From http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/ggbio/inst/doc/ggbio.pdf
page 4 (complied on april 11 2014), the following example loads to an
Check and see issue
SRC: https://code.google.com/p/batchjobs/issues/detail?id=23
mllg updated
11 years ago